Saturday, December 10, 2011
Concert in the Park - Bartok Finale
Our last song of the evening was this challenge piece by Bela Bartok with the equally challenging name "Wo Die Sind Ganshehen." The kids did a outstanding job with this and all the material. Incidentally, I know that some people didn't manage to get in the videos this time around. We have so many players this year, it's hard to get them all in one frame. We'll plan that a little better for our Spring show.
No rehearsal this week. We'll resume in January after the break. Happy Holidays everybody!
Concert in the Park - "Two Three"
This Walt Hampton piece is an excellent example of the ensemble working in sections. It's a huge challenge with so many players this year, but these kids are up to it.
Concert in the Park - "Andean Tune"
Here's one of the recorder pieces. They really got a nice groove going!
First Concert in the Park of the year filled with good cheer!
Last night the Orff and Recorder ensembles were joined by Kids KOR Hip Hop and Tap & Movement classes, Music Mania and Saran Richard and the Tech TAs for full concert of the year. The mixing of new and old friends is something we try to do and it always makes for a very interesting evening. The ensembles, of course, were awesome! Here's a sample.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
5th Grade Week 9 - Listening to Our Music
The last two weeks of fifth grade music where we listen to and play along with fifth grade compositions are always one of the high points of my year. The kids who have completed their composition project get to here their music played back on the big screen while they and their fellow composers are encouraged to "sweeten" the sound by playing along live. This is followed by an aesthetic evaluation of each piece by the other students.
One of the limitations of the Orff approach is that it doesn't always give students a chance to apply the musical skills they are developing through play. As they leave Third Street I want the fifth graders have some knowledge of how what they've learned fits with the traditional musical skills they will need in middle school and beyond.
3rd Grade Week 9 - "Come Let Us Gather"
This week third graders learned about canons, which are also called "rounds." This is where everybody performs the same melody line, but in staggered starts, to produce a richer, more textural sound, that also contains a bit a challenge. "Row Row Row Your Boat," and "Frere Jacques" are probably the best know examples. Canon's a great way to teach kids to focus on part singing, harmony, and, most importantly, sight reading. And as the kids discovered canons can include movement, instrumental music, singing or all three. The canon I like to use, "Come Let Us Gather," is a good one for musicians at this stage as it not only contains a run of all the notes we have learned so far, but has a Thanksgiving theme that hopefully put everyone in a holiday mood. The kids rocked on it!
5th Grade Week 7 & 8 - Adding Color and Drums
The last weeks in fifth grade music we have continued to work on our composition projects, adding two more parts -- a color part which provided a splash of musical contrast and and a drum part which holds the whole piece together. As always our existing melody is an excellent source of inspiration when it comes to rhythmic and melodic ideas. The French holiday tune, "Pat-a-pan" which the kids are using the frame drums to perform in the picture above, illustrated the use of drums and color to accompany melody -- and hopefully put everybody in a holiday mood.
Homework: Finish your compositions!
Recorder Ensemble - "Ode to Joy" - 2nd line (practice speed)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Ms. Hong's Class - "Come Let Us Gather"
Hi there Ms. Hong's class -- here's a video to help us with our little side project. I hope you will find it useful.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ensembles Perform at Culture Day!
We had a enough of a break in this weather for Culture Day to come off beautifully. Congratulations to Frances Okwu and all the teachers, parents and kids that made the day such a fun event. The ensembles contributed three songs to the performance, excerpts of which can be seen in the video above. Thanks to Aiden's mom for providing us with some nice video from her I phone. Good job everyone!
Third Grade Week 8 - Drones, Parallels and Arranging Music
This week in Third Grade Music we looked at ways to take a simple piece, like "Tune of the Buffens," which the ensemble will be performing at Culture Day, and extended by using different variations. In this case focused primarily of accompanying the melody with a drone and playing in parallel thirds (easier to see on the xylophone). In the process the kids learned that the goal in developing variations on a musical theme always has two part -- a practical side, which in this case was extended a short piece of music to make it more suitable for dancing, and an aesthetic one, which focuses on making the music more interesting and beautiful.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Recorder Lesson - "Andean Tune"
Hi ensemble players -- I apologize for getting this up a bit later than I'd hoped. Fortunately most of you have been playing it well in practice. As you know "Andean Tune" is one of two songs we will be playing Recorder ensemble will be playing on Saturday at Culture Day, so study up and practice, practice, practice!
5th Grade Week 5 & 6 -- Beginning Our Compositions
For the last couple of weeks in 5th grade music we have been working on original compositions. The goal here is for every student to write a composition for 3 voices and a percussion line. Last week we began with a short melody and this week we focused on adding a bass part called a bourdun and a variation in the melody. They say that music holds our attention because it almost always gives us what we expect, but every once in a while surprises us. I have to say I am almost continually surprised by these kids. Examples of their work will be forthcoming shortly!
3rd Grade Week 7 - Skin and Bones
This week in anticipation of Halloween the kids learned the scary old standard, "Skin and Bones," not only singing it, but playing it on recorder. Like an earlier call and response song we did, "Little Johnny Brown", it turns out that "Skin and Bones" makes use of the minor pentatonic, which is also at the heart of most blues music. Learning a song for Halloween also gave us an excuse to talk about holiday music general, a timely topic since several of the classes wish to learn a winter holiday song. Can it be almost November already?
Happy Halloween everyone!
Friday, October 21, 2011
"Tune of the Buffens" - Part 2
Here is a second part to the Buffens lesson that focuses on the parallel third. Not everybody can do this yet (an not everybody should), b ut I hope you will find it useful nonetheless.
"Tune of the Buffens" - Part I
Hey third graders and ensemble players -- as promised I am posting a video lesson (actually two lessons) on "Tune of thr Buffens." Part one focuses on the melody and the drone. I hope you will find it useful. Ensemble players, remember that this is one of the songs we will perform in 3 weeks at Culture Day.
3rd Grade Week 6 -- Oh, no...not math!

This week in third grade music we focused on the durational values of various notes. This means focusing on the math in the music. While the prospect of using division skills and discussing fractional parts of a whole made some kids think their heads would explode (as seen here), most understood that the ability to read music is an important skill and essential to making music together in an organized way.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Recorder Lesson 6 - Low D
Hey Third Graders and Ensemble players -- this will give you a chance to practice this week's note -- low D. Give it a try!
5th Grade Week 4 -- Pepperoni Pizza, Pumpkin Pie!
The focus of this week's 5th grade lesson was construction of melody. The kids were given an opportunity to develop an original line of melody to going along with 3 lines we developed as a class around the rhythm associated with Pepperoni Pizza Pumpkin Pie. All of this is a prelude for the composition project that begins next week.
Third Grade Week 5 - Little Bird, Big Bird
This week the 5th grade lesson and Orff ensemble was pre-empted by the Back to School Breakfast, but Friday's Recorder went off as usual. The 3rd graders learned how to play the low D and this gave rise to a discussion of octaves. We played the song "Little Bird, Big Bird" which emphasizes octave D's and also introduces the lovely combination of Orff xylophones and recorder.
The rest of class we focused on "Tune of the Buffens," a good example of a medieval processional, and one of the pieces many of them will be performing on "Culture Day."
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Third Grade Week 4 -- Improvisation
This week in third grade music the kids focused on improvised solos to accompany last week's song, "Little Johnny Brown". Many people feel that improvisation requires a vast knowledge on music, but as the kids discovered cool improvs are possible with as few as one or two notes and a sense of swing.
In the second half of the class the students learned two more notes, high C and high D, that enabled them to perform the medieval sounding lament "The Legend of Adcaa Gaba" (pictured). Only the only most observant were able to solve the riddle of his mysterious name ;). The video posted below will help those interested in perfecting their technique on these two slightly more challenging notes.
Recorder Lesson 5: High C and D
Third Graders and Ensemble Members -- check out 3 minute recorder lesson #5. It will review what we talked about in class -- making the high C and D. Try to find a little to practice making these notes this week.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Fifth Grade Week 3 - School Rules Part II
Today we extended last weeks lesson to allow students to develop their own rhythm patterns based on school rules. Working in small groups with unpitched percussion instruments the kids created individual pieces that included a central rhythmic idea, steady beat and splashes of contrasting musical color. These were then strung together in a Rondo. Not every group was completely successful, but when it worked the results were wonderful.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Recorder Lesson 4: Improvisation
Hey Third Graders and Ensemble Players -- lesson 4 focuses on improvisation, that is, creating music on the spot. Most people think that improvisation requires an extensive knowledge of scales and harmony, but in fact cool improvs can be done with as few as 4 notes. Give it a try!
Third Grade Week 3 -- Little Johnny Brown

Today 3rd Grade students learned a 4th note -- E --and began experiment a bit with blues improvisation. Our improvs today centered on dancing (pictured) but next week we will begin to explore original ideas on our recorders. Adding E to G, A and B gives us 4 of the 5 notes of the minor "la" pentatonic, which is at the heart of many blues and rock grooves. In other words, parents, get ready for some recorder shredding!
Homework: Learn "Little Johnny Brown" groove on the worksheet and review video lesson #4
Fifth Grade Week 2 - School Rules

For week 2 in fifth grade music the kids were introduced to the concept of "ostinati." The word is derived from the Italian word for "willful child" -- and refers to the short, repeating rhythmic and melodic ideas that often make up the accompanying parts in polyphonic or polyrhythmic music. As the kids discovered almost any small phrase from the piece "Do Unto Others" pictured here can be broken out and turned into an additional rhythmic part, and those parts can, in turn, be transferred to melodic instruments.
I learned this lesson from my friend and teacher James Harding, and I've taught this lesson the last couple of years with fun results. Next week the kids will develop their own 2 part "school rules" piece and we will construct a little performance out of them. Should be interesting.
Homework: Complete the 5 rest equivalent problems and the puzzle box.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Recorder Lesson 3: Adding the E
Third Graders and Recorder Players -- if you have had a chance to review video lessons 1 and 2 and feel comfortable making B, A and G, you might want to get started on the next note we will be learning -- "E".
Third Grade Week 2 - B-A-G
For our second week of third grade music the students focused B, A, G -- 3 notes that are often taught together because of their proximity to one another and because they can be used to play several well know children's songs including "Mary Had A Little Lamb" and "Hot Cross Buns." We also worked on articulation. New wind players have a tendency to overblow and to puff rather than use their tongue to interrupt the flow air into the mouth piece. Fortunately spending a little time using the "language of dew" helps fix this.
Homework -- finish your compositions and review lessons 1, 2 and 3 on video.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Fifth Grade Week 1 -- "Hey, You, What?"
Today Fifth Grade music began with the students learning a body percussion piece by Keith Terry entitled "Hey, You, What." The goal for music this year is for all the kids in fifth grade to compose their own original piece, and to do that we need to spend a bit of time on conventional notation. However, as today's exercise demonstrated there are many other valid approaches to creating music. There is nothing better than getting into a good groove and seeing where it takes you.
Homework -- Worksheet #1. Remember to come up with a "school rule" as well as solving the simple notation/fraction problems.
Ensembles Begin!

Today we had our first day of Orff ensemble. I was delighted to see all the new faces! By the end of class the new kids were making some very pretty music. Should be a great year.
If you wish to sign up for the Orff ensemble or recorder ensemble, which meets on Fridays, there is still time. Just fill out the permission form that went home on Friday or down load the one that appears here.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Recorder Lesson 2: B-A-G
Check this lesson out too -- it's a good preview of what we will be talking about next week.
Recorder Lesson 1: Basics
3rd Graders and Ensemble Players -- I will from time to time be posting 3 minute recorder lessons here. Please make use of them to practice what we are learning in class.
3rd Grade Week 1 -- Intro to Aerophones
Instruction began today with 3rd grader receiving their recorders and learning about how recorders fit into the historical develop of aerophones -- instruments that produce sounds by using a vibrating column of air. We began with an improvised processional using tympani, bass drum and bull roarer tubes (pictured). The students received their recorders and learned the basics of handling them, as well as their first note -- "B."
Next week we will begin learning to make additional notes and our first song. All the kids were given their first song written in "tablature" -- a style of writing music which tell not just what note to make but how to make it. I will also be posting a couple of videos here to review what we talked about today and preview what we will discuss next week. Happy tooting, students! (Parents -- my apologies ;) )
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A vidclip from last year's first grade performance
To get started I am posting one of my favorite clips from last year -- the First Grader's musical presentation of "The Three Little Pigs." The clip is on the long side, but contains many of the elements that we focus on in general music at Third Street including student composition. All the accompanying material you see here was developed by the individual classes them put together for the first time the day we recorded it. Enjoy!
The new year in music begins at Third Street!
Welcome back to a exciting new year in music at Third Street School. If you are new to the school, my name is Richard Lawton and I am the general music teacher at Third Street.
Music classes don't begin until September 16 (a week from Friday), but I wanted to put a couple of fresh posts on our music blog. I use the blog to post pictures of what goes on in class, examples of student work, videos of performances -- anything and everything related to music at Third Street. I hope you will check back frequently.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
5th Grade Culmination - Korean Fan Dance
This last post is not my work, but the wonderful work of Hannah Limb and 5th Grade KDLP. I was saddened to learn that Miss LImb, along with Mr. Marks, will not be back to teach 5th grade next year. I will miss my colleagues as I will miss this year's 5th grade class, several of home are longtime ensemble players. However, I am grateful for our time together and I wish them all well as they head off on exciting new adventures.
Have a great summer everybody!
5th Grade Culmination - "In My Life/I Will Remember You"
The other song was a medley or combination of two songs -- "In My Life" by Lennon and McCartney and "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLaughlin. Not an easy arrangement, but the kids did a great job.
5th Grade Culmination - "I Sing the Body Electric"
Yesterday the class of 2011 culminated and was able to snag a few video captures. This was the first year I was asked to help out with the music, and I was very proud of the job the kids did on the two songs we worked on, including this one from movie "Fame."
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Concert in the Park - "How Many More Times"
Our final number was the Led Zeppelin classsic "How Many More Times" with the recorder players taking the Jimmy Page role, playing short improvisatory bursts against one of the coolest grooves of all time. For me it was the best of a lot of great moments. Thanks everybody for your inspired work!
Concert in the Park - "The Tailor and the Mouse"
This arrangement or a traditional fok tune came together in the dress rehearsal. One of our fourth graders had the idea of adding the bass line from the "Hit The Road Jack." If you listen closely the second time through the piece, you can hear it. An inspired improvisational idea!
Concert in the Park - "Pastime With Good Company"
Another excellent recorder selection, this one by Henry VIII
Concert in the Park - "Dorian Downstream/Scarborough Fair""
One of things that always makes me a little sad, is to say goodbye to our excellent fifth grader players, like Francesca who is playing the recorder solo in this clip. Good luck in middle school guys. You'll be missed!
Concert in the Park - "La Volta"
Yesterday the Recorder and Orff Ensembles put on a terrific show -- a perfect end to and excellent year in music at Third Street. Here in the first of several clips the recorders perform "La Volta" by Michael Praetorius. Nice job!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Solo Recorder Part for Dorian Piece (Scarborough Fair)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Pastime With Good Company -- Third Recorders
We haven't talked about the third recorder part, but if any of you are feeling ambitious...
Pastime With Good Company --Second Recorders
Here's the second recorder part -- some of you who have trouble with the high E may find this easier.
Pastime With Good Company -- First Recorders
Hey recorder ensemble -- here's a video that shows how to play the top part of "Pastime." It will help if you also have a copy of the sheet music, which I posted on the blog yesterday.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Pastime With Good Company
Friday, May 20, 2011
Recorder Ensemble -- "LaVolta"
Hi Ensemble members. As discussed in rehearsal today here is a video to help you learn La Volta. Our show is in one month so practice, practice, practice!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Culmination Song 1A - "I Will Remember You"
5th Graders -- here is the second song (of 3) we will be learning -- "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLaughlin. I'm calling it song 1A because we will be using it as a partner song for "In My Life." We will also not be using the whole thing. Although I am posting the whole song here, you just need to learn the lyrics posted here:
I Will Remember You
by Sarah McLachlan, Seamus Egan and Dave Merenda
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by.
Weep not for the memories.
Remember the good times that we had.
We let them slip away from us when times got bad.
Clearly I first saw you smiling in the sun.
Wanna feel your warmth upon me; I wanna be the one
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by.
Weep not for the memories.
I Will Remember You
by Sarah McLachlan, Seamus Egan and Dave Merenda
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by.
Weep not for the memories.
Remember the good times that we had.
We let them slip away from us when times got bad.
Clearly I first saw you smiling in the sun.
Wanna feel your warmth upon me; I wanna be the one
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by.
Weep not for the memories.
Culmination Song #1 - "In My Life"
Hi Fifth Graders. Here is the first culmination song we will be learning -- some of you may already know this famous Beatles tune. Use this blog to get a head start on memorizing the words. Play the tune by clicking on the play button below. I am also posting the lyrics here:
"In My Life" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney
There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed.
Some forever, not for better.
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments,
with lovers and friends, I still can recall.
Some are dead and some are living.
In my life, I've loved them all.
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you.
And these mem'ries lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new.
Tho' I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before.
I know I'll often stop and think about them.
In my life I've loved you more.
"In My Life" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney
There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed.
Some forever, not for better.
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments,
with lovers and friends, I still can recall.
Some are dead and some are living.
In my life, I've loved them all.
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you.
And these mem'ries lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new.
Tho' I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before.
I know I'll often stop and think about them.
In my life I've loved you more.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
First Grade Week 1 -- How Does Sound Work?
One of the central of focuses of general music in first grade in how music actually works. This week we conducted several experiments to illustrate the properties of sound waves -- their tendency to bounce, their conductive properties and the fact that they move more readily through solid objects. The point is to get the kids to think about music and sound scientifically and also to prepare them to learning how musical instruments can be classified both by how they produce sound and what kind of sound they make.
Kindergarten Week 1 & 2 - Music and our senses
General music began in Kindergarden two weeks ago. (My apologies for not posting separately regarding week 1, due to camera failure). At any rate we're off to a terrific start. In week one we talked about how we use our senses to evaluate music. Using a kind of paper funnel called a sound catcher, the kids were given opportunities to listen closely to both ambient sounds and musical ones. Hopefully the experience will help them focus on the musical qualities of the material we'll be covering this year.
In week 2 we continued using our senses to make aesthetic evaluations. We also used the Jamaican folk tune, "Bam Chi Chi Bam" to study the importance of patterns in music and in our environment. In the process we reinforced an important kindergarten math standard.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Art in the Park Finale -- "Ungaresca"
For the finale of the show we brought back the singers and dancers from earlier to join the Orff and Recorder Ensemble in a performance of the Hungarian Renaissance piece, "Ungaresca" Like many pieces of music from that era "Ungaresca" has sections that are in duple (2) and triple (3). This present special challenges to young musicians, but the kids handled them well, especially when you consider that this performance was the only time the three groups actually got to work together.
Great work everyone. Thanks to Mr. Pratt, Mr. Bassett and Ms. Kopacz for their wonderful contributions. And extra special thanks the Katie's mom Alysoun Higgins for suggesting this idea. It's a keeper!
Art in the Park -- "Up Stream"
This piece was submitted in the reflections contest, and since the composer is one of our experienced Orffians, we decided to play it. Beautiful piece, beautifully done.
Art in the Park -- "Tallis Canon"
Here's a video of one of our better recorder numbers. Canons are not easy to do on recorder, so wonderful job everybody!
Art in the Park is the Bomb!
For this spring's concert in the park, it was suggested that with combine our show with PTA's Reflections Art Show and I thought it was an inspired idea. Not only did we get a larger turnout than usual, it also generated a much greater sense of an Arts Community at Third Street. In these tough times when arts education programs are dismantled everywhere, that spirit of community is so important.
The program included singing by the 4th graders in room 7 and 19 who are presenting a production of "Oliver!" later in the year, dancing from Michelle Kopacz's Kids KOR Hip Hop & Tap and Movement classes. Of course my focus is always on the ensembles. Here's a video of our first number last night - Canon #41.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
4th Grade Week 10 -- Ms. Polacheck's class performs "Broccoli"

The focus of this week's final class was on arranging our songs for presentation. As the students have been learning over the course of these ten weeks, songs frequently begin and end with a very simple idea -- it is the arranging of the material -- adding variations, instrumental breaks, intros and codas and so on, that allows the material to be extended in a way that is suitable for dancing, performing and, hopefully, enjoying. The recording here is an arrangement by Ms. Polacheck's class of one of their best songs. Considering that they had about ten minutes to develop and rehearse their arrangement, I thought they did an amazing job. Use the score above to sing along.
I was sorry that preparations for the concert on Friday and other commitments made it difficult for all the fourth grade classes to fully participate today, but overall I am extremely pleased with the work 4th grade did this year. 4th graders -- are you ready for instrumental composition next year?
2nd Grade Week 10 -- "Bam Chi Chi Bam"
For our final class the students learned a Jamaican song, "Bam Chi Chi Bam," them performed it on the Orff instruments as well as their gourd drums. It was fitting that we ended on a song that blends English lyrics with African influenced dialect, as a big part of our focus this year has been African music's contribution to music generally, particularly when it comes to the concept of beat and rhythm.
Of course the best part of the lesson was the end -- the kids get to take the drums they made home!
4th Grade Week 9 -- Singing our songs

I was thrilled with the results of last weeks assignment! The kids really did a marvelous job creating songs that were funny and quite singable.
Class began this week with singing the children's work (include the four songs shown above -- clicking on the scores makes them larger). The rest of the time was spent reviewing each completed song in every class using a laptop computer and ELMO projector. Students were able to see and hear their compositions, make adjustments and provide both practical and aesthetic evaluations of their peers work.
In all 45 songs were produced -- nicely done 4th grade!
2nd Grade Week 9 -- Developing our sense of pitch
For music this week 2nd graders moved to the auditorium again so that we could make use of the Orff Xylophones. We extended last week's improvisatory session where these instruments were used for their "sound effects" quality and began to talk about specific pitches and pitch sequences. By the end of the lesson each class had constructed a unique 4 line piece that they could read as well as play.
4th Grade Week 8 -- revising our melodies
This week in 4th grade music class was run as a lab to give kids a chance to revise and rework their melodies. Many students were still challenged by the idea that each syllable should be assigned one note. Others had constructed melodies that contained intervallic leaps too challenging to be sung. When it comes to singing. notes that are close to each other in terms of intervals are usually best. Once again the students had the Orff instruments, pianos and my expertise (such as it is) to make use off. Some very nice pieces are beginning to develop!
Homework -- finished revised songs by Friday.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Recorder Ensemble -- "This Land Is Your Land" Parallel Thirds
Once you know the main melody take a crack at the parallel harmony line. I need at least a couple of you to play it for the concert.
Recorder Ensemble -- "This Land Is Your Land"
Hey recorder cats -- sorry it took a bit to post this. Traffic on my hosting site was very heavy this weekend. At any rate here is the third and final song you will need to learn for out concert on March 25. Everybody should at least be able to play the melody.
2nd Grade Week 8 -- "Rain"
The goal in week 8 was to introduce pitched percussion into the equation so that the kids can see that there is a simple relationship between melody and rhythm. To that end I brought out the Orff instrumentarium that Friends of Third bought several years ago. Although most of the kids had seen the instruments in Kinder and First Grade, this was one of the first opportunities they have had knowing a bit about steady beat, rhythm and improvisation. This came in very handy as each class developed an improvisation piece around the idea of a rain storm.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
4th Grade Week 7 -- Beginning our Final Project
I was extremely pleased with the poems/lyrics the kids produced this week. Nearly everybody completed the assignment. Now the next step is to set these words to music. To do that we are using a hexatonic (6 note) scale to remove the unpleasant sounding notes. The kids will then use their developing understanding of rhythm and contour to create melodies.
There is no music class next week, so the kids will have plenty of time to tinker. Hopefully each class will produce at least one song they can see themselves performing,
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